Last weekend saw the final round of the UK's leading paintball tournament - the CPPS. This was attended by well over 100 teams, all battling within their divisions to be the ultimate series winner! Some teams just had to turn up for the last round to be sure of winning their division, others had to play their hearts out and really battle to see if they could hang on to their position. With promotion and relegation in the mix it was an exciting day for an awful lot of paintball teams. Of course, we were there supplying top level Empire paintballs - from Empire Evil which was the choice of most as the weather was warm, perfect for the fragile paint, to Formula 13 which performed well as a mid-range ball with a slightly harder shell. As with all Empire paintballs, the ball was round, the shell was brittle and the paint inside was bright, bright, BRIGHT!!


It was an early start both days this weekend as teams wanted to pot up and prepare for games well in advance. As usual the CPPS site was in prime condition with the astro-turf field in action for the Elite teams and the well kept grass fields freshly mown and prepared for the other divisions. As a team sponsor, we know how important it is to give our teams the best possible chance of succeeding. Weeks and months of training, hard work, a lot of money and a lot of energy goes in to each round of the CPPS and teams want to know they've got the best chance of doing well. As a company we pride ourselves on being there for our teams to support them in their progress. We want to be up and open before they even arrive so they know they can come to us for paint or supplies at the time when they need it. We'll be there for them right through the day, continuing to supply paint, technical advice or just encouragement as they go from one paintball game to the next, and we'll be there when they've all finished to support them as they lift trophies or, if they've not made the podiums, their spirits!!

This weekend we had a phenomenal number of our teams making the podium and we couldn't have been prouder. We've steadily increased the number of teams that have joined our 'family' over the season and each event there've been more and more great results. There are too many to name them all but we've seen great progress from teams such as Squatch who have made the podium 4 events in a row now. After weeks of training, new team Outlaws saw their hard work pay off with a first place podium on Saturday, closely followed by a team local to us, Northern Blackouts, who took second place. These were just 3 out of the 6 teams who all shot Empire paintballs on Saturday and who took home silverware. Sunday was just as successful for many of our JP teams with Spank, Sad UK and both Marvel teams taking home titles.

The atmosphere was, as usual, buzzing all weekend and everyone enjoyed what they've come to expect from the UK's leading paintball tournament series - a well run event, professional refs, games running on time and a venue that it unrivalled perhaps in the whole of Europe. We're lucky to have an event such as this in the UK and we intend to keep supporting our teams as they endeavour to rise through the divisions of the CPPS paintball series.


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