The weekend is over, and what an incredible few days it's been! CPPS Round 3, NXL Birmingham 2024 - it's been a blast. A huge thank you to everyone who came into our trade tent over the weekend to pick up some new goodies or even just to say hi (or brung us drinks from the bar!) It was great to see so many new and familiar faces, from all the way over from Europe, and even new players from the UK getting into the sport for the first time!


An even bigger thank you to Ainsley, Dylan, Ant and the rest of the crew running the event at CPPS, whether it was maintaining the site, picking up litter, cleaning down the fields each day, running the shop and café and everything else inbetween! You all put in so much effort to make the weekend as incredible as it was, so thank you!

Our partners at GI Sportz Europe supplied all of the teams with epic quality and standard of paintballs throughout the weekend, supplying the pro and semi-pro teams with training paint too in the days prior to the event! With different grades and batches to choose from to suit your teams need on fragility and other factors with the weather!

Did you see our whole entire collection of Dye products stocked in our tent? From the epic range of protective padding, Dye I5 goggle systems and lenses, barrel swabs, and even Dye M3+ paintball markers, and harnesses! Shout out to Russ Carpenter, the Dye UK Rep for the support, it's great to see Dye coming back so strong in the UK.

Our Infamous Pro DNA casual wear flew off the shelves with the huge demand from you all in the hot weather! Especially those epic sun hats, it was truly great to see so many people walking around with them!

Bring on the next event!
Next stop: ECPL Mayhem Event, August 3rd/4th
#JustPaintball #JustPaintballUK #CPPS #Round3


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