As always, we have brought the travelling store to all the big events for you guys this year!
The trade stand started off at CPPS where we brought all the essentials, all the latest products, our marker tech and the great craic from the team. Ainsley, Dylan and the team at CPPS also hosted the British Invitational NXL event which was a huge success. All the foreign teams were treated to fantastic weather, a great trade village and some outstanding games. The Lucky15's did the UK proud by finishing 2nd against some of the best teams Europe had to offer and the spectators on the banks went wild and really added to the occasion and atmosphere. As a retailer, we were really proud to be a part of such an outstanding event and can't wait for the next one.

4 weeks later, we were back on the road again heading to CPPS where again, we were treated to great weather, we launched the LV2 from Planet Eclipse and brought you 3 new products. GI Sportz continued to supply the best paint on the market to you all and enjoyed the lion's share of the podium. This was our fastest unload, restock and set off to date, 2 days back at base then we were off again to the next event!
Which was the EPIC Big Game 2022 over August Bank Holiday at Mayhem Paintball in Romford.
The summer had not been kind to the south of the country and after nearly 4 months without rain, a blanket ban on BBQ's, firepits, and cooking stoves had left us wondering how the event could run with over 500 players camping on site. Thankfully the rain came 3 days before the event and the pressure was off.
Big Game 2022 is one of our favourite events so we planned to go bigger than ever!

We had a photo booth, loads of giveaways from the manufactures, we had a quiz night to test you all, we brought you a big screen film night, we even had frisbees made especially for the weekend.
If you haven't ever been to Mayhem Big Game, you need to get this paintball festival on the radar for 2023, Early bird tickets will be announced in early summer!
You think by now the event season was done. Oh no.
We were back down at Mayhem 2 weeks later, after being invited to attend the 2 day ECPL event hosted by Ronnie and his team at Mayhem at Romford.
This had a real international feel with teams from the USA and Europe. Again we were treated to fantastic weather, a display full of all the up to date products and again, our tech was on hand to help anyone in need. We even put a huge trophy up for the most sporting team won by a UK team who were fully deserving of it. This event is already on the calendar for us next season and we can't wait to see you all there.

Surelyyy we're done now right?
Nope, one final push for the last event, Hero's and Villain's hosted by Nottingham Skirmish. What an event to finish off the year for us, fancy dress, fancy game zones, fancy 'one off' markers as hand crafted by Ed from Inception Designs and we had the trade stand full of goodies as ever. This event is run with the sole purpose of raising as much money as possible for charity. Each year, 2 charities are nominated so not only do you get 6 great zones to play in, but you are doing your bit for charity too.

And there we have it.
The vans are all washed and tucked away till spring, the marquees are taking a well deserved rest and we have started planning for 2023. Next year, we'll be even bigger and better, so make sure you get planning on where you'll be a part of the UK paintball scene and be sure to call in and say hi.
From us, a huge thank you to all of you who make and keep paintball awesome.